"The Northern Convoys International Centre" Foundation
+7(921) 952-07-7715A Kosaya Line, Vasilievsky Island, St. Petersburg, Russia
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The project about the Northern Convoys of 1941-1945 was presented in the St. Petersburg Gymnasium

On April 26th the Director of the Northern Convoys International Centre for took part in the festive event at the Gymnasium 61 in Vyborgsky District of St. Petersburg at the invitation of the school management.

The "NCIC" Foundation has been cooperating with Gymnasium 61 since 2022 and one of the most significant results was a large-scale and very interesting project realized by Alexander Volkov, a 11th grade student of the gymnasium. Alexander dedicated his project "Arctic Convoys in World War II" to the Northern Convoys and their veterans. Thanks to the thorough and comprehensive approach to the project, the work done with a large amount of information and due to Alexander's great interest in the topic, the project included both the history of the convoys, their main strategic and tactical moments, heroic pages and personal stories of veterans.

Work on the project was conducted under the direction of the teacher of foreign languages of the Gymnasium No. 61 Frida N. Zaitseva.  We were glad to assist Alexander in his work with information about the Northern Convoys available in the archives of the Foundation.

While working on the project Alexander won the Regional Scientific-Practical Conference of students with international participation "The Baltic region in the modern world: yesterday, today, tomorrow" and reached the finals of All-Russian D.I. Mendeleyev Research papers competition. 

The result of the project was an exhibition consisting of thematic information stands and presented at the event on April 26 where Alexander made report on his project work. Among the guests of the event, apart from Vladimir Solomonov, Director of the Foundation, there was Natalia Kadashova, the Head of Saint-Petersburg Office of the Arkhangelsk Region. While viewing the exhibition, the guests took pictures with its author.

We would like to especially note the beautiful and very sincere reading of poems about the Great Patriotic War, which were presented to the participants and guests of the event by the students of the gymnasium.

ICSC Foundation thanks Alexander Volkov and his supervisor F. N. Zaitseva for their cooperation and contribution to the cause of preserving the memory of the Northern Convoys!