phone: +7(921) 952-07-77
address: Saint Petersburg,
15A Kosaya Line, Vasilyevsky Island
On September 30, 2022 in St. Petersburg was held an award ceremony of the winners and prize-winners of the First International Creative Competition "Together We Are the World!" dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the Northern allied convoys 1941-1945.
Welcoming speeches to the organizers and participants of the contest were sent by the Governor of St. Petersburg, Chairman of the St. Petersburg Committee on Foreign Relations, Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and the Russian Orthodox Church.
The greeting words to the contest participants were said by German Shirokov, the Chairman of St. Petersburg Committee on the Arctic Affairs, Tatiana Chekalova, the Executive Secretary of St. Petersburg Marine Council, Captain 1st rank Yuri Alexandrov, the Honorary President of "Polar convoy" Public Organization, and Rev. Antony, the Assistant to the Father Superior of St. Nicholas Convent in Kronstadt.
Grand Prix winners and prize-winners as well as their supervisors were awarded diplomas and medals of corresponding assay. Gold medals and letters of acknowledgement were awarded to those who were actively involved in preparing and carrying out the 80th anniversary of the Northern Convoys in 2021.
The guests of the awarding ceremony repeatedly emphasized the importance of events such as the International Competition "Together We Are the World!" for uniting people of different countries and generations on the basis of art and the necessity of such events in current conditions. The creative competition, as well as other projects and activities of the “NCIC” Foundation, is aimed to bring together ordinary people from different countries through their desire to support common historical memory of the glorious pages of the past.
International Centre expresses sincere gratitude to the St. Petersburg Committee on Arctic Affairs and Admiral Makarov State University for their assistance in organizing the competition and award ceremony!
We express our sincere gratitude to all the participants of Competition "Together We Are the World!" as well as to the members of the international jury of the contest!
The link to the video of the award ceremony.
The First International Creative Competition "Together We Are the World!", organized jointly by the " Northern Convoys International Centre " Foundation and Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping with the support of the Saint-Petersburg Committee on Arctic Affairs, was held in 2021 and was timed to the 80th anniversary of the arrival of the first allied convoy Dervish in Arkhangelsk. Works for participation in the contest were sent by schoolchildren, cadets and students from Russia (St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, Arkhangelsk and Arkhangelsk Region, Altai Territory) and other countries. About 60 applications and competitive works were accepted, the total number of participants - more than 150 people.