"The Northern Convoys International Centre" Foundation
+7(921) 952-07-7715A Kosaya Line, Vasilievsky Island, St. Petersburg, Russia
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Terms of International Artistic Creative Competition “Together We are the World!”


1.1. The given Terms of International Artistic Creative Competition “Together We are the World!” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) determines the procedure for organizing and conducting the Competition, criteria for selecting competitive works, composition of participants, operation of the jury, the procedure for awarding winners and runners-up.

1.2.  The aim of the Competition is to implement the ideas of people's diplomacy through creative exchanges between young people and representatives of other age groups of Russia and foreign countries to strengthen friendly relations between them, as well as forming positive image of Russia abroad.

1.3. Objectives of the Competition:  

  • reveal creative young people in Russia and abroad and to encourage their further creativity, dedicated in particular to historical examples of international cooperation, including cooperation between the USSR and other countries of anti-Hitler coalition during World War II;
  • support and develop creative interchange and communication between compatriots living in the Russian Federation and abroad, strengthening cultural ties between them;
  • promote forming of a favorable image of Russia as a country that honors the memory of all participants of joint operations during World War II;
  • promote sincere interest in the history of Russia and its efforts to preserve historical memory, including international cooperation during World War II, among foreigners and the Russian-speaking community in different countries.
  • draw attention of the Russian-speaking community in different countries to the Northern and other Allied convoys and Lend-Lease as important examples in the history of international cooperation during World War;

1.4. Dates of the Competition: from July 1, 2021 to August 1, 2021.

1.5. All information on the Competition (regulatory documents, results, photo reports, place and time of the award ceremony, etc.) are available on the website www.north-convoys.com.

1.6. Until the day of the Competition, the organizers reserve the right to make additions and alternations to the Terms of the Competition with the notification of changes sent to all partners and participants.

2. TOPICS OF THE COMPETITION (for all categories)

  • international cooperation;
  • cooperation of the USSR and other countries during the joint operations of World War II (Lend-Lease, Northern and other Allied convoys);
  • maritime operations in the Arctic during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and World War II;
  • “They forged the Victory” (based on the recollections of veterans – relatives and close friends of the competitors);
  • historical and cultural ties between Russia and abroad in the past and present;
  • present time friendship of various generations from Russia and other countries.


Russian and foreign students from schools, higher and secondary educational institutions (universities and colleges), collectives and individual performers, as well as everyone who wants to participate, are invited to take part in the Competition.


4.1. The Competition is held in the following categories:

  • “Fine Arts”;
  • “Photographic Art”;
  • “Short video film”;
  • “Decorative and Applied Arts”;
  • “Literary Arts”: prose, poetry, journalism;
  • “Music”: instrumental and vocal works;
  • “Choreography”: staged dance performance, musical, choreo;
  • “Students’ scientific work” with the sub-nominations “Research work”, “Essay based on historical research”, “Popular science article”.

4.2. To participate in the Competition one must:

  1. send an application (see App. 1) in electronic form in Word format by July 1, 2021 to the e-mail address: north.convoys.centre@mail.ru.
  2. submit the competitive work, performed in accordance with the Competition Requirements (see App. 2) and the accompanying documentation (story/technical description) in electronic form by July 31, 2021 to the e-mail address: north.convoys.centre@mail.ru.

4.3. Submitted works are subject to preliminary evaluation for admission to the Competition in accordance with the Evaluative Criteria (see App. 3).


5.1. The results of the Competition are summarized from August 1 to August 19, 2021. Winners will be announced on August 20, 2021 on the website of the “NCIC” Foundation: www.north-convoys.com.

5.2. All participants of the Competition receive certificates of participation via e-mail.

5.3. On summarizing the results of the Competition, the winner and two runners-up in each category and subnomination are determined. The following awards are provided: first, second and third degree diplomas and valuable prizes for the authors of the three best works in each category and subnomination as well as special prizes (prize for the youngest and/or oldest participant, audience choice award, etc.).

5.4. Awarding of winners and runners-up in Russia will take place in St. Petersburg on August 31, 2021 – the day of the Northern Convoys 80th anniversary. The venue of the awarding ceremony, as well as the date and venue of the awarding of winners and runners-up in other cities of Russia and in each of the countries participating in the Competition, will be announced later.

5.5. The works submitted by winners and runners-up, as well as selected works of other participants will be posted on the websites of our partners, both in Russia and abroad.

5.6. The works submitted by winners and runners-up, as well as selected works of other participants will be presented in the movable exhibition of the “NCIC” Foundation, which is planned to be displayed in exhibition halls, state and other organizations, educational institutions in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. Material for creating similar movable exhibitions will be sent to our partners in Russia and abroad.

5.7. Following the summary of the category “Students’ scientific work”, discussions and round tables with the participation of competitors will be held. A collection of scientific works and articles is planned for publication.

5.8. Following the summary of the Competition, the full-colour album-catalog and/or e-catalog will be published, representing the works of winners and runners-up, as well as the most notable works in each category. An electronic version of the catalog will be sent to each author of these works and is planned to be shown on websites and in social networks.


6.1. Competitive works are evaluated by a specially formed jury.

6.2. The list of the jury, headed by the Chairman, is formed and approved by the organizing committee of the Competition and will be announced on the Competition start date, July 1, 2021.

6.3. The competitive works are evaluated by the jury in each category according to a ten-point system.

6.4. The jury and the organizing committee are not entitled to disclose the results of the Competition program before August 20, 2021. In contentious matters, the final decision rests with the Chairman of the jury.

6.5. The decisions made by the jury are final. The filing of appeals on the results of the Competition is not provided.


Appendix 1

Application for participation in the International Artistic Creative Competition “Together We are the World!”

First name and last name of the author / authors / performers of the work, name of the creative team


The age of the author/authors/ performers of the work:


First name and last name of the work supervisor:


Position of the work supervisor:



Name of educational institution / organization (for schoolchildren, cadets, students and other groups of students):


Country and location of author/authors/ performers of the work:


Country and location of educational institution / organization (for schoolchildren, cadets, students and other groups of students):




Sub-nomination (for the category “Students’ scientific work”):


Title of the competitive work: 



Phone number of author/authors/ performers of the work:


E-mail of author/authors/ performers of the work:




Appendix 2

Competition Requirements

  1. Competitive works can be performed individually or collectively. Each participant (team) can provide no more than 1 work. It is possible to participate in several categories (with different works).
  2. To take part in the Competition one must provide the following materials:
  • application (App. 1) – by July 1, 2021;
  • competitive work in electronic form (works can also be sent by mail) – by July 31, 2021.
  1. Competitive works are accepted for preliminary evaluation as follows:

For “Fine Arts” we accept any work of the fine genre in the format of photocopy suitable for printing reproduction.

For “Photographic Art” we accept works in digital form, A4 or A3, resolution of 300 dpi, in color or black and white.

For “Short video film” we accept video files in electronic form, works can be filmed by any available means and should answer the common topics of the Competition. The maximum duration of the video film is up to 5 minutes, sounding oral and written speech in Russian and/or English.

For “Decorative and Applied Arts” we accept and evaluate photographs of competitive works suitable for printing reproduction; competitors also can send works by mail until July 31, 2020. Competitive works can be performed in any technique and from any material: metalsmithing, silver- and gold-plating, plastic, paper plastic, natural materials, dough art, beadwork, embroidery, felting, floristry, tapestry, etc.

For “Literary Arts” the participants submit 1 work in any genre of prose, poetry and journalism in Russian and/or English, up to 5 minutes in reading time.

For “Music” we accept audio and/or video files with the following competitive works: author songs, versions of famous wartime or war-related songs, solo or team performance of famous songs. A piece of music may be accompanied by a choreographic performance; in this case, the participant (creative team) is to decide in which category (“Music” or “Choreography”) his work belongs.

For “Choreography” we accept a video file with a recording of staged dance performance, musical, choreo, related in one way or another to the topic of the Competition;

Within the category “Students’ scientific work” there are three sub-nominations that correspond with the scientific research genres.

For the sub-nomination “Research work” we accept completed, dedicated to the declared topic, independently performed works in Russian and / or English, with a volume of 20-25 pages, representing the research findings substantiated by scientific methods. The research must correspond to the common topics of the Competition. Work can be performed both individually and in collaboration.

The research work should be structured and contain such sections as “Introduction”, “Main part” (divided into chapters and sub-sections), “Conclusion”, “References”, “Appendices”. The first page of the research work is the title page containing the title of the work and information about the author(s).

In the “Introduction” the relevance of the topic, the aim and objectives of the research are formulated, the methodology, main sources and literature on the topic are described, and an account of the works’ structure is given.

It is recommended to divide the “Main part” into 2-3 chapters, which in their turn can be divided into paragraphs. Chapters and paragraphs should have titles. The text is accompanied by links to sources and literature used.

The “Conclusion” summarizes the main findings. Also in this part, recommendations and forecasts of the author of the work, prospects for further use of the findings can be presented.

The section “References” is structured in the alphabetical order, first indicating the sources and literature in Russian, and then in foreign language (languages). It is recommended that one should divide the “Reference” section into the “Sources” and “Literature” sections in succession. Internet resources are located at the end of the above mentioned sections.

The “Appendix” (an optional part of the work) may contain tables, graphs, and illustrations. All appendices must be linked to the text and have an indication app.

For the sub-nominations “Essay based on historical research” and “Popular science article” we accept works in the form, respectively, of an essays or an article, up to 7 pages, written in the popular scientific style, suggesting a story in Russian and/or English on one or more common topics of the Competition. Competitive works can be performed on the basis of archival materials and/or interviews (as well as other original sources, for example, press materials, opinion polls, questionnaires, etc.). Obligatory requirements are the reliability of the facts and the individual position of the author.

Requirements and recommendations for works in the sub-nomination “Essay based on historical research”:

  1. The introduction and conclusion should focus on the problem (in the introduction it is declared, in the conclusion the author’s opinion is summarized).
  2. To ensure the integrity of the work it is necessary to highlight paragraphs, new lines, establish a logical connection of paragraphs.
  3. The essay is free in form and structure, it gives the author a wide opportunity to express individual, subjective views on a particular topic. The style is lighter than in an article or scientific research; the essay is characterized by figurativeness, aphoristic nature. However, the views and opinions of the author should be reasoned.

Requirements for works in the sub-nomination “Popular science article”: the structure of the article includes an annotation (no more than 150 characters with spaces), keywords or phrases (5-8 words and / or phrases); introductory part (substantiation of the topic importance, aim of the research); the main part containing links to sources and literature used; the final part, containing the main conclusion; list of used sources and literature (see requirements for the list of sources and literature for the sub-nomination “Research work”).

Technical requirements for all three sub-nominations: works are accepted in electronic form in the Word format, Times New Roman font, size 14, line spacing 1.5.


Appendix 3

Evaluative Criteria

The works are evaluated according to the following criteria:

For “Fine Arts: coverage of the chosen theme, compliance with the common topics of the Competition (see Section 2 of the Terms), compositional solution, graphic and spatial solution, color-tonal solution.

For “Photographic Art”: artistic level of photography; technical level of photography; compositional integrity; apprehensibility of artistic conception; photographer’s skill level.

For “Short video film”: compliance with the common topics of the Competition, originality and depth of interpretation of the chosen theme, the logic of plotting the video.

For “Decorative and Applied Arts”: compliance with the common topics of the Competition; artistic significance, aesthetic value of the work; complexity, quality, technique; correspondence of the level of work with the age of participant.

For “Literary Arts”: spelling literacy, clear-cut author’s attitude, sustained style, imagery, logical composition; for poems also – harmony of rhythm and its correspondence to the task, melody of pronouncing; emotional impact.

For “Music”: performance technique, musical expressiveness; purity of intoning and intonation, sound culture, understanding of style; repertoire corresponding to the age of the performer; level of ensemble training of the team; artistic interpretation of a piece; artistry, stage costume, stage culture.

For “Choreography”: originality of the dance composition, creative elements in directing, stage mastery, emotional and musical expressiveness, level of technical training of the participants.

For “Students’ scientific work”:

  1. Criteria for the sub-nomination “Research work”: the scientific nature of the research, relevance, scientific novelty and correspondence to the topics of the Competition, the theme elaboration, the use of domestic and foreign sources and literature, coherence of the structure and logic of rendering; style and culture of narration; original author's approach; the ability to compare achieved data with the results of existing researches; the presence of reasoned conclusions, the correct use of the scientific apparatus.
  2. Criteria for the sub-nominations “Essay based on historical research” and “Popular science article”: relevance and correspondence to the topics of the Competition, structuring of the work, correct use of terminology, lack of factual, stylistic and other errors, cause-effect relationships, analysis of historical data, the presence of reasoned conclusions, creative thinking, literary language skills, style of narration.