phone: +7(921) 952-07-77
address: Saint Petersburg,
15A Kosaya Line, Vasilyevsky Island
On October 28, 2022 in the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library in St. Petersburg was held scientific and practical conference "Teachers and mentors: the Russian Navy to be!". The event was organized by the regional public organization of admirals and generals of the Navy "Admirals’ Club"; "United Shipbuilding Corporation", Admiralty Coordinating Council of Public Veteran Organizations of the Navy. The conference was timed to the 326th anniversary of the Russian Navy, and also to the anniversary of Peter the Great and the most important topic of 2023, declared by the President of Russia as the Year of the Teacher and Mentor.
Vladimir Solomonov, Director of the International Center for Northern Convoys, visited the conference at the invitation of the Maritime Council under the Government of St. Petersburg.
Read more about the event here.