phone: +7(921) 952-07-77
address: Saint Petersburg,
15A Kosaya Line, Vasilyevsky Island
In the new year 2022 the Northern Convoys International Centre continues to publish on website articles about representatives Republic of Ireland — participants in the Northern Convoys. The newly published material is dedicated to Commodore Liam Ahern, a World War II and the Northern Convoys’ veteran who later served in the Irish Naval Service. We are deeply grateful for the information provided to Liam Ahern's son Damian Ahern, as well as to Peter Mulvaney, the researcher of participation of the Irishmen in the World War II.
The article on Peter Kavanagh, a participant in the Northern Convoys who received Commendation for Brave Conduct in the Merchant Navy from the His Majesty the King, has been enlarged with a story about his life after the war. We thank Peter Kavanagh’s daughter Hilary Kavanagh for writing the article about this period in her father's life.