phone: +7(921) 952-07-77
address: Saint Petersburg,
15A Kosaya Line, Vasilyevsky Island
First-year graduate students in the specialty "International Relations" of St. Petersburg State University have successfully completed their academic (analytical) practice at the Northern Convoys International Centre. Students were given assignment to conduct analytical research of involvement of Russian and foreign museums in social networks and to search and analyse materials (including research articles) about the way the theme of the Northern Convoys is being reflected in the activities and exposition of different museums.
The students were divided into two groups on the basis of the interest they have expressed, and the reports they submitted present detailed research work they had done. At the request of the International Centre, the Master's students made valuable recommendations for the most promising social media content and activities of the “NCIC” Foundation in social media, promotion strategy for the Foundation group in VKontakte (the Russian social network), recommendations for content on You Tube channel, etc.
The “NCIC” Foundation considers the results of the internship of St. Petersburg State University graduate students to be very successful and thanks the interns for their productive work. We also express our sincere gratitude to the Department of International Humanitarian Relations of St. Petersburg State University for the fruitful and successful cooperation.