"The Northern Convoys International Centre" Foundation
+7(921) 952-07-7715A Kosaya Line, Vasilievsky Island, St. Petersburg, Russia
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An intellectual tournament about the Northern Convoys has been held in St. Petersburg

The memory of the heroes of the Northern Convoys of 1941-1945 is carefully preserved by different generations of Russians. It is especially important that this theme is important and interesting to the younger generation, which has recently been proved once again by schoolchildren and students from St. Petersburg.  On September 7th, 2022 an intellectual youth tournament devoted to the history of the Northern convoys took place on board of "Krasin" icebreaker museum. The tournament marked the 81st anniversary of the arrival of the first allied convoy "Dervish" in Arkhangelsk and was organized by the St. Petersburg Committee on Arctic Affairs. St. Petersburg schoolchildren and cadets of College of  Admiral Makarov State University and Admiral Senyavin Maritime Technical College took part in the tournament competing in their  knowledge of historical facts about convoys. The jury, chaired by Vladimir Solomonov, Director of the Northern Convoys International Centre, awarded the victory to the Admiral Makarov College cadets. We congratulate the winners and runners-up of the tournament and wish them further success in studying!