"The Northern Convoys International Centre" Foundation
+7(921) 952-07-7715A Kosaya Line, Vasilievsky Island, St. Petersburg, Russia
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The article of the "NCIC" Foundation has been published in the collected papers

The article of the Northern Convoys International Centre has been published in the collection ‘Intercultural Dialogue in the Modern World’. The collection presents the materials of the XII conference with international participation ‘Intercultural Dialogue in the Modern World’, held in the spring of 2024 in St. Petersburg State University. The conference was organised by St. Petersburg State University together with the St. Petersburg Association for International Cooperation with the support of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Peace Foundation.

The conference proceedings include articles by Russian international scholars specialising in the field of international cultural relations research, foreign cultural policy, cultural and public diplomacy, and Arctic studies. Along with articles by leading scholars, the collection also includes articles by young researchers: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students.

The article ‘The NCIC Foundation Collection as a Contribution to the Study of the History of the Northern Convoys and Lend-Lease during the Great Patriotic War’ gives a brief history of the creation of the collection of our International Centre, provides the main sources of its replenishment, describes the principles of combining several exhibits on the basis of a common theme. It describes how the collection is used as part of educational and exhibition activities to preserve the memory of the Northern Convoys of 1941-1945.